Top Econometrics Textbooks

This webpage provides an up-to-date list of the top econometrics textbooks.
Rankings are based upon the number of syllabi in which an econometrics book has appeared since 2015 (source:
The most recent edition of each book is provided.

Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (7th Edition)

Author(s): Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Publication date: 2018-11-30
ISBN: 1337558869
ISBN-13: 9781337558860

Gain an understanding of how econometrics can answer today's questions in business, policy evaluation and forecasting with Wooldridge's Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach. Unlike traditional texts, this book's practical, yet professional, approach demonstrates how econometrics has moved beyond a set of abstract tools to become genuinely useful for answering questions across a variety of disciplines. The author has organized the book's presentation around the type of data being analyzed with a systematic approach that only introduces assumptions as they are needed. This makes the material easier to understand and, ultimately, leads to better econometric practices. Packed with relevant applications, the text incorporates more than 100 data sets in different formats. Updates introduce the latest developments in the field, including the recent advances in the so-called "causal effects" or "treatment effects," to provide a complete understanding of the impact and importance of econometrics today.

Introduction to Econometrics (4th Edition)

Author(s): James H. Stock, Mark W. Watson
Publication date: 2018-11-16
ISBN: 0134461991
ISBN-13: 9780134461991

Introduction to Econometrics connects modern econometric theory and practice with motivating, engaging applications. The text incorporates real-world questions and data, and methods that are immediately relevant to the applications. With very large data sets increasingly being used in economics and related fields, a new chapter dedicated to Big Data helps students learn about this growing and exciting area. This coverage and approach make the subject come alive for students and helps them to become sophisticated consumers of econometrics.

Basic Econometrics (5th Edition)

Author(s): Damodar N Gujarati, Dawn C. Porter
Publication date: 2008-10-08
ISBN: 0073375772
ISBN-13: 9780073375779

Gujarati and Porter's Basic Econometrics provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary level. With the addition of over 100 new data sets, as well as significantly updated research and examples, the Fifth Edition responds to important developments in the theory and practice of econometrics. Basic Econometrics is widely used by students of all fields as the expanded topics and concrete applications throughout the text apply to a broad range of studies.

Econometric Analysis (8th Edition)

Author(s): William H. Greene
Publication date: 2017-04-09
ISBN: 0134461363
ISBN-13: 9780134461366

Designed to bridge the gap between social science studies and field-econometrics, Econometric Analysis, 8th Edition, presents this ever-growing area at an accessible level. The book first introduces readers to basic techniques, a rich variety of models, and underlying theory that is easy to put into practice. It then presents readers with a sufficient theoretical background to understand advanced techniques and to recognize new variants of established models. This focus, along with hundreds of worked numerical examples, ensures that readers can apply the theory to real-world application and are prepared to be successful economists in the field.

Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion

Author(s): Joshua D. Angrist, Jörn-Steffen Pischke
Publication date: 2009-01-04
ISBN: 0691120358
ISBN-13: 9780691120355

The core methods in today's econometric toolkit are linear regression for statistical control, instrumental variables methods for the analysis of natural experiments, and differences-in-differences methods that exploit policy changes. In the modern experimentalist paradigm, these techniques address clear causal questions such as: Do smaller classes increase learning? Should wife batterers be arrested? How much does education raise wages? Mostly Harmless Econometrics shows how the basic tools of applied econometrics allow the data to speak.

In addition to econometric essentials, Mostly Harmless Econometrics covers important new extensions--regression-discontinuity designs and quantile regression--as well as how to get standard errors right. Joshua Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke explain why fancier econometric techniques are typically unnecessary and even dangerous. The applied econometric methods emphasized in this book are easy to use and relevant for many areas of contemporary social science.

Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data (2nd Edition)

Author(s): Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Publication date: 2010-10-01
ISBN: 0262232588
ISBN-13: 9780262232586

Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data was the first graduate econometrics text to focus on microeconomic data structures, allowing assumptions to be separated into population and sampling assumptions. This second edition has been substantially updated and revised. Improvements include a broader class of models for missing data problems; more detailed treatment of cluster problems, an important topic for empirical researchers; expanded discussion of "generalized instrumental variables" (GIV) estimation; new coverage (based on the author's own recent research) of inverse probability weighting; a more complete framework for estimating treatment effects with panel data, and a firmly established link between econometric approaches to nonlinear panel data and the "generalized estimating equation" literature popular in statistics and other fields. New attention is given to explaining when particular econometric methods can be applied; the goal is not only to tell readers what does work, but why certain "obvious" procedures do not. The numerous included exercises, both theoretical and computer-based, allow the reader to extend methods covered in the text and discover new insights.

Introductory Econometrics for Finance (4th Edition)

Author(s): Chris Brooks
Publication date: 2019-05-16
ISBN: 110843682X
ISBN-13: 9781108436823

Introductory Econometrics for Finance presents the most common empirical approaches in finance in a comprehensive and well-illustrated manner that shows how econometrics is used in practice, and includes detailed case studies to explain how the techniques are used in relevant financial contexts. Maintaining the accessible prose and clear examples of previous editions, the new edition of this best-selling textbook provides support for the main industry-standard software packages, expands the coverage of introductory mathematical and statistical techniques into two chapters for students without prior econometrics knowledge, and includes a new chapter on advanced methods. Learning outcomes, key concepts and end-of-chapter review questions (with full solutions online) highlight the main chapter takeaways and allow students to self-assess their understanding. Online resources include extensive teacher and student support materials, including EViews, Stata, R, and Python software guides.

Principles of Econometrics (5th Edition)

Author(s): R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, Guay C. Lim
Publication date: 2018-02-23
ISBN: 1119510562
ISBN-13: 9781119510567

Principles of Econometrics is an introductory book for undergraduate students in economics and finance, and can be used for MBA and first-year graduate students in many fields. The 5th Edition provides students with an understanding of why econometrics is necessary and a working knowledge of basic econometric tools. This text emphasizes motivation, understanding and implementation by introducing very simple economic models and asking economic questions that students can answer.

A Guide to Modern Econometrics (5th Edition)

Author(s): Marno Verbeek
Publication date: 2017-07-18
ISBN: 1119425727
ISBN-13: 9781119425724

A Guide to Modern Econometrics has become established as a highly successful textbook. It serves as a guide to alternative techniques in econometrics with an emphasis on intuition and the practical implementation of these approaches. This fifth edition builds upon the success of its predecessors. The text has been carefully checked and updated, taking into account recent developments and insights. It includes new material on casual inference, the use and limitation of p-values, instrumental variables estimation and its implementation, regression discontinuity design, standardized coefficients, and the presentation of estimation results.

Introduction to Econometrics (5th Edition)

Author(s): Christopher Dougherty
Publication date: 2016-06-28
ISBN: 0199676828
ISBN-13: 9780199676828

Retaining the student-friendly approach of previous editions, Introduction to Econometrics, Fifth Edition, uses clear and simple mathematics notation and step-by step explanations of mathematical proofs to help students thoroughly grasp the subject. Extensive exercises throughout build students' confidence and provide them with hands-on practice in applying techniques.

The fifth edition features a comprehensive revision guide to all the essential statistical concepts needed to study econometrics, additional Monte Carlo simulations, new summaries, and non-technical introductions to more advanced topics at the end of chapters.

A Guide to Econometrics (6th Edition)

Author(s): Peter Kennedy
Publication date: 2008-02-19
ISBN: 1405182571
ISBN-13: 9781405182577

A Guide to Econometrics is the perfect (and essential) supplement for all econometrics classes--from a rigorous first undergraduate course, to a first master's, to a PhD course. This book:

  • Explains what is going on in textbooks full of proofs and formulas
  • Offers intuition, skepticism, insights, humor, and practical advice (dos and don’ts)
  • Contains new chapters that cover instrumental variables and computational considerations
  • Includes additional information on GMM, nonparametrics, and an introduction to wavelets

Applied Econometric Time Series (4th Edition)

Author(s): Walter Enders
Publication date: 2014-11-03
ISBN: 1118808568
ISBN-13: 9781118808566

Applied Econometric Time Series, 4th Edition demonstrates modern techniques for developing models capable of forecasting, interpreting, and testing hypotheses concerning economic data. In this text, Dr. Walter Enders commits to using a “learn-by-doing” approach to help readers master time-series analysis efficiently and effectively.

The Econometrics of Financial Markets

Author(s): John Y. Campbell, Andrew W. Lo, A. Craig MacKinlay, Andrew Y. Lo
Publication date: 1996-12-09
ISBN: 0691043019
ISBN-13: 9780691043012

The past twenty years have seen an extraordinary growth in the use of quantitative methods in financial markets. Finance professionals now routinely use sophisticated statistical techniques in portfolio management, proprietary trading, risk management, financial consulting, and securities regulation. This graduate-level textbook is intended for PhD students, advanced MBA students, and industry professionals interested in the econometrics of financial modeling. The book covers the entire spectrum of empirical finance, including: the predictability of asset returns, tests of the Random Walk Hypothesis, the microstructure of securities markets, event analysis, the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, the term structure of interest rates, dynamic models of economic equilibrium, and nonlinear financial models such as ARCH, neural networks, statistical fractals, and chaos theory.

Each chapter develops statistical techniques within the context of a particular financial application. This exciting new text contains a unique and accessible combination of theory and practice, bringing state-of-the-art statistical techniques to the forefront of financial applications. Each chapter also includes a discussion of recent empirical evidence, for example, the rejection of the Random Walk Hypothesis, as well as problems designed to help readers incorporate what they have read into their own applications.


Author(s): Fumio Hayashi
Publication date: 2000-12-15
ISBN: 0691010188
ISBN-13: 9780691010182

Hayashi's Econometrics introduces first year Ph.D. students to standard graduate econometrics material from a modern perspective. It covers all the standard material necessary for understanding the principal techniques of econometrics from ordinary least squares through cointegration. The book is also distinctive in developing both time-series and cross-section analysis fully, giving the reader a unified framework for understanding and integrating results.

Econometrics has many useful features and covers all the important topics in econometrics in a succinct manner. All the estimation techniques that could possibly be taught in a first-year graduate course, except maximum likelihood, are treated as special cases of GMM (generalized methods of moments). Maximum likelihood estimators for a variety of models (such as probit and tobit) are collected in a separate chapter. This arrangement enables students to learn various estimation techniques in an efficient manner. Eight of the ten chapters include a serious empirical application drawn from labor economics, industrial organization, domestic and international finance, and macroeconomics. These empirical exercises at the end of each chapter provide students a hands-on experience applying the techniques covered in the chapter. The exposition is rigorous yet accessible to students who have a working knowledge of very basic linear algebra and probability theory. All the results are stated as propositions, so that students can see the points of the discussion and also the conditions under which those results hold. Most propositions are proved in the text.

Essentials of Econometrics (4th Edition)

Author(s): Damodar N Gujarati, Dawn C. Porter
Publication date: 2009-05-12
ISBN: 0073375845
ISBN-13: 9780073375847

The primary objective of Essentials of Econometrics is to provide a user-friendly introduction to econometric theory and techniques. This text provides a simple and straightforward introduction to econometrics for the beginner. The book is designed to help students understand econometric techniques through extensive examples, careful explanations, and a wide variety of problem material. In each of the editions, I have tried to incorporate major developments in the field in an intuitive and informative way without resort to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the introductory level. The fourth edition continues that tradition.

Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide (7th Edition)

Author(s): A. H. Studenmund
Publication date: 2016-03-24
ISBN: 013418274X
ISBN-13: 9780134182742

Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide offers readers an innovative introduction to elementary econometrics. Through real-world examples and exercises, the book covers the topic of single-equation linear regression analysis in an easily understandable format.

An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata

Author(s): Christopher F. Baum
Publication date: 2006-08-17
ISBN: 1597180130
ISBN-13: 9781597180139

Integrating a contemporary approach to econometrics with the powerful computational tools offered by Stata, An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata focuses on the role of method-of-moments estimators, hypothesis testing, and specification analysis and provides practical examples that show how the theories are applied to real data sets using Stata.

As an expert in Stata, the author successfully guides readers from the basic elements of Stata to the core econometric topics. He first describes the fundamental components needed to effectively use Stata. The book then covers the multiple linear regression model, linear and nonlinear Wald tests, constrained least-squares estimation, Lagrange multiplier tests, and hypothesis testing of nonnested models. Subsequent chapters center on the consequences of failures of the linear regression model's assumptions. The book also examines indicator variables, interaction effects, weak instruments, underidentification, and generalized method-of-moments estimation. The final chapters introduce panel-data analysis and discrete- and limited-dependent variables and the two appendices discuss how to import data into Stata and Stata programming.

Econometric Methods (4th Edition)

Author(s): Jack Johnston, John Dinardo
Publication date: 1996-10-01
ISBN: 0079131212
ISBN-13: 9780079131218

Econometric Methods provides a well-balanced and comprehensive study of current econometric theory and practice for undergraduate or graduate study. Traditional topics are carefully blended with newer techniques and trends. While the authors of this text assume students have taken a basic course in statistics, they provide a complete appendix on basic statistical theory for those who may need a refresher. In addition, the authors include in an appendix a review of all relevant topics in matrix algebra.

Introduction to Econometrics (4th Edition)

Author(s): G. S. Maddala, Kajal Lahiri
Publication date: 2009-12-21
ISBN: 0470015128
ISBN-13: 9780470015124

Now in its fourth edition, Introduction to Econometrics provides a fresh, accessible and well-written introduction to the subject. With a rigorous pedagogical framework, which sets it apart from comparable texts, the latest edition features an expanded website providing numerous real life data sets and examples.

Applied Econometrics (3rd Edition)

Author(s): Dimitrios Asteriou, Stephen G. Hall
Publication date: 2015-10-26
ISBN: 1137415460
ISBN-13: 9781137415462

Applied Econometrics offers a unique blend of theory and practical application. Taking students from a basic level up to an advanced understanding in an intuitive, step-by-step fashion, it provides perfect preparation for doing applied econometric work. Economic tests and methods of estimation are presented clearly, and practical guidance on using several types of software packages is given. Real world data is used throughout and emphasis is given to the interpretation of the results, and the conclusions to be drawn from them in econometric work.

This book will be core reading for undergraduate and Master’s students on an Economics or Finance degree, who take a course in applied econometrics. Its practical nature makes it perfect for modules requiring a research project. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.